Sunday, 2 January 2011

Return from the Wild, Wild West

Welcome, Chullora, West Roxbury, San Francisco... just a quick question (and no pressure here, none at all, norsireebob)... if you're popping in to read, why aren't you signing up to follow, hmm?  Is it because you don't want anybody to know you were here, or to recognise your mugshot on the side?  Why do you think my photo looks like a frog, hmmmm?  Just wondering.  No, really!

Anyway, we're back, Gentle Readers, I have a little tan to show off, and a lot of spots.  Just before we went away, I was attacked (actually, that's too gentle a word.  It was more like they were stalking me & then they pounced...) by hordes of biting midgees, or midges, depending on which hemisphere you're in) - I have more than 50 bites all over my arms & legs, and for the first few days of the holidays, I was a red, itchy mess.  Then I was a red, pink and not so itchy mess, as my lovely Ma took pity on my state and slathered me with calamine lotion (praise the inventors!), and got some Polaramine down my throat.   Now all I have to do is resist the urge to scratch the healing bites so I don't end up with spotty scars.  It's hard being tarred with whatever it is they like - I was out with My Best Friend, the Kidlets and Mr Golightly, and I was the only one bitten.  Ho hum.

We had a lovely relaxing Christmas staying with the Very Lovely Hendersons, who were kind enough to take four almost complete strangers into their house, feed us, wash for us, cook and clean for us and not let us do anything at all, except provide the services of the resident Chef, who did what he does so well, which is effortlessly produce beautiful food.  Turkey, ham, pork, steak, crayfish, prawns... in addition to vegetables, salad, and sweets/puddings/desserts galore.  I think I've put on three kilos this week.  Easy.  I'm going to eat nothing but fruit for the next week, just to see if I can get rid of the spare tyre I've reacquired.  

So, what did we see?  Here's some piccies, but I will write more later, as the 3-hour time gap has finally caught up with me, it's 9.00pm by Perth time & so I need to go to bed.  I'm still itchy, you know.

Reminds me of...

After a fire

Mr Golightly appears to have lost something.  His mind, perhaps?



  1. Oh yes, I know all about you, Miss PP. And a very Happy Hogmanay to you, too. I'm just curious about the other visitors. Maybe they just think this stuff is so much crap they can't believe it? Hope you haven't been too inconvenienced by the snow... it was between 38C & 40C every day we were away. Phew.


Hello, it's nice to see you! Thanks for dropping in to say "Hi"!