Wednesday, 30 September 2009


Does anybody except me and the lovely Yumptatious remember the Nigel Molesworth books by Ronald Searle?  They were fabulously funny, in a very english way, and were great reading when I was 9, 10, 11... her post about finding a copy of one of these also made me think of the Uncle books, by J. P. Martin, which are apparently now quite rare - they were illustrated by the fabulously talented Quentin Blake, who is famous, quite rightly, for illustrating the Roald Dahl books, but who has done many many other fantastic things:

Arabel's Raven

My local library had both in abundant supply, along with all of the Sue Barton Nurse novels (except one, which I've never found), and of course, Swallows and Amazons...  

Is it a sign of impending old age when you start to want to repurchase and re-read all the books from your childhood?  I bought a reprint of "Little Black Sambo" by Helen Bannerman - it's a gorgeous story, just ignore the people who tell you it's racist because of the name - it's about a brave little kid who outwits four hungry tigers... and I'm on the lookout for the Ladybird Cinderella, which was in the "Well Loved Tales" series - mine was exactly the same as this, and I had "The Princess and the Pea" too. Also, "Shopping with Mother" and "The Nurse"  - I just saw it for sale for 28 pounds sterling.  Wow.  I'm pretty sure it was about 2/6 when I had it.  Should have kept them, huh?

And this arrived in the mail:
NEW Joel Dewberry Deer Valley - Persimmon Palette - 7 Half-Yards - 3.5 Yards Total

Too gorgeous for words.  Need to stop buying & start making, methinks.  Need more hours in the day!

Oh yes, I almost forgot - the bunting:

Carefully taken down, folded & taken home for the bride by the chief bridesmaid.  I think it's a keeper!