This morning we had a visitor:
That's Mr G's hand, right there (safely on the other side of the screen). She was pretty big, I have to say...
but she looked to me like she'd just shed her skin & was still hardening up...
In other nature related news, the sole remaining palm in our back garden does what it does so well, which is self-clean, bringing down a few plants, tealight holders and pots in the process with a huge crash in the night... we think the possums were actually to blame, because they've been going nuts in our backyard over the Lillipillies, which are seriously in fruit, and I think they got a bit carried away & pushed this out of the tree:
The tree is at least 10 metres high. No wonder the crash got us out of bed!
And the fruiting Lillipillies, I hear you say?
Apparently the early settlers used these to make Jam & they are quite safe for humans to eat... if you can beat the possums to it!
That's it f53kHVmCYQDDc2lMaX_zKCQMVjMxJHN8O6amp; have breakfast (it's 11.38am), iron that beautiful red French fabric and make pillow cases. More, later. Enjoy your day!