Sunday, 17 July 2011

Tempus is doing that thing again...

Flying, that is.  Tempus Fugit.  Time flies.  Ah, the paucity of public education.

So, Gentle Readers, I have survived my first week back at the August Institution, and although I know it was a bit cruisey because it was my first week, it was nice & cruisey.  I had one-to-one meetings with people, I carted in stuff to personalise my desk, I ordered a footrest, I pined for upholstery school (only 3 more days, including today), and I bought this:

And hopefully, when we go with the car today, we'll be able to fit at least some of it in!

And!  This:

Which isn't working, but may only need a service and some oil.  Hopefully.

Anyway, we're going off this morning (as soon as Mr Golightly raises his head from the warm and comfortable pit he's in, aka the bed) to try & disassemble  the machine from the table, so we can get it into the car.  Otherwise it's a ute, a portalift & copious amounts of swearing:

Anyway, I've found a website which has manuals for sale, and I've paid my money via PayPal, so we're just waiting now for the email to show up... hopefully it'll show us how to take the thing off the table... and then all we have to do is try to get it in the house.  I'll keep you posted!
