Friday, 7 January 2011

Confession time...

Beware, Gentle Readers, for 'tis confession time.  I hope you're sitting down, and not in my favourite chair, either.

I have never looked at the stats for my blog before.  I must admit (and don't I do a lot of admitting here, hmmm?) that I love it when people comment, so I know you're out there, and I also admit that the sole reason I got that feedjit thingy at the bottom of the blog was to feed my ego, but for some reason, I hadn't looked at the stats.

But today, I did.  I was adding the updated Treasury to the page, and saw the tab, and a little light bulb went on.  Gentle Readers, there are more of you than I ever suspected.  Indonesia, The Netherlands, the US of A, the UK, here, of course... how gratifyingly international.  (Did any of you ever see that film with Queen Latifah, Last Holiday, where she says "Make me... international"?  Check it out, people).  

In other news, it's just started to rain.  Yippee!  If I needed an excuse to have a nothing day, that's it.  I love it when it rains in the middle of summer.  Everything smells so... summery.  Especially when the southerlies come through on a hot afternoon and cool everything down - the roads smell, the grass smells.. it's a real Sydney thing... 

In other not quite so cheery news, whilst searching for the name of that Queen Latifah movie, I saw in Wikipedia that Pete Postlethwaite and Gerry Rafferty have both shuffled off this mortal coil... I loved Postlethwaite, his cheekbones always came into the room about 3 feet ahead of the rest of him, and he was magnificent in The Usual Suspects, which, Gentle Readers, if you haven't seen, you absolutely should.  

Gerry Rafferty had a huge hit here in 1978 with an album called City to City, and the single from that album, 'Baker Street', had a fantastic saxophone solo - when I was a melancholy, moody teenager, that song, played with Jackson Browne's 'The Pretender' and Al Stewart's 'Year of the Cat', was musical heaven for me.  No pun intended.  RIP, Ger.

In other news, completely unrelated news, and in what Mr Golightly refers to as 'a quantum leap', I had a brainwave in the night about Momo's French General "Lumiere De Noel" fabric, (which I bought last year as a charm pack to make the Christmas bunting for My Best Friend) - I love those fabrics so much I'm going to make it into a quilt - using the pattern that I made for Miss Nelly - so now I need to go off & buy a metre of one of those beautiful fabrics to make the strips and a layer cake.  Oh, joy.  More fabric :-)

And now, the sun is coming out.  That means it going to be bad Sydney today, where it's sticky, humid, yucky, and I have lost my excuse to do nothing.... so it's back to the sewing room, and goodbye to Lydiard Millicent.  No, not somebody with a weird, backward sounding name, but a visitor from that nice little village just outside Swindon (where, completely co-incidentally, I lived as a child, no, no, Swindon, not Lydiard Millicent, but I did live in Latton for a while, are you totally confused yet?)

Me too.  Ciao!