That's how I feel today, Gentle Readers, and not just because the Poms trounced us at the cricket. I slept badly, woke early to farewell our houseguest, then pottered for a bit, including finishing off cutting & trimming 20 5" square lavender bags - more on that exciting news in a moment - then went back to bed until 10.00am.
The exciting news (see, I'm not like one of those sadistic* bloggers who make you wait until the very end to give you the good bits, I just chuck it out there) is that I finally fronted the ladies who run the only homewares store in Newport without wearing too much hairspray and makeup (the ladies, that is, not the store), and they happily agreed to take 20 of my 5" square lavender bags for a trial - I made some as a 'Thank You' gift for lovely Wendy Hendy, who kindly put us all up over Christmas - and before I went off to the post office to send them off, I thought "well, what have I got to lose? They can only say 'no'". So I showed them, and they didn't! Molto eccitante!
Anyway, I spent today stitching, stuffing, hand-stitching them closed, trying a new technique for closing them, wasting an inordinate amount of time pulling out the new technique which is much quicker but doesn't look as nice, I don't think - I must admit to much admiration for those sewers who can stuff their lavender bags whilst the bags are trapped in the machine, because I sure as hell can't.
In between that, I had another nap, then another. I think I might have an ear infection, it's been groaning on & off all day, which is always a signal to me that something has gone wrong. Maybe another dose of 'glue ear'? Who puts glue in their ears anyway? Whatever it is, it's making me tired.
However, in the "I'm so brave, I'm soldiering on" mode I've adopted temporarily to write this crap, I am now going to bombard you with pictures of said lavender bags, and add some of them to my Etsy shop, so if you feel like making me rich and sick, feel free:
And that's it for now. Oh yes, almost forgot - Hello to the Gentle Reader from Hawaii - I have a very soft spot for Hawaii because Mr Golightly & I had our honeymoon there. Ahhhh. Sadly (or perhaps not) all the photos from 1993 are pre-digital and I'm too lazy to get off my lardy-arse and scan them, so you're reprieved. For now.
*Not entirely sadistic, anyway.