Sunday, 12 September 2010

Scotland Island

Today, Remaining Gentle Readers, my friend Deb and I, her mother and the kidlets, are venturing out to Scotland Island for the Bi-Centennial Celebration of Existence (or something) - the official blurb says "Enjoy Scotland Island and offshore Pittwater's bicentenary celebration with a traditional fair day; displays, stalls, re-enactments, wandering minstrels and dusk lantern parade, and an exhibition "Postcards from Pittwater" of images than explore our history and sense of place and community."

Should be a blast - I'm taking the camera, of course, so there should be an abundance of photos of people eating, drinking, minstrelling, parading, stalling, re-enacting and whatever else they get up to over there - which includes an oft-repeated rumour of wife-swapping and general licentious living, but as we'll have the kidlets with us, there won't be any of that being done by us, unless a glass of wine qualifies.  

I won't be partaking of that because things are still not quite normal on the TMI front, but I made a flying visit to the Doc yesterday and she sacrificed a chicken, shook the rattle and beat the drums, then gave me more antibiotics.  Can't beat modern medicine.  

I also bought some lovely fabrics yesterday, to fill the small (non-existent) hole made by the creation of the nine birdies from last week, and now I'm looking for a home for quite a lot of dress-making fabric, and a box of yarn... oddments... is probably the best way to describe them.  Ah!  I have a friend who crochets!  Yvette #1, would you be interested?  Let me know, the usual way.  You might be lucky and get them at the same time as I finally hand over the lavender bags for your winning comment on the Sydney Pies.  

Progress on the Pies is... slow.  I was going to Pie today, but the lure of Sun, Minstrels and Good Company proved too strong - it's going to be too hot to venture out soon enough, so while it's just warm & sunny, I'm going to get some Vitamin D.  

Mr Golightly has made fantastic progress on the new shoe cupboard/bench/storage unit in the bedroom, but I'm not posting pictures until it's painted, which will be real soon now, I promise.

And that, Remaining Gentle Readers, is it for me, for now.  Provided I'm not off roistering with a minstrel, I will try & post some pictures from today's adventure, tonight.

Have a wonderful Sunday!