I'm also taking the sewing machine, so I can make dressing gowns for the Chef and the Maker of Big Fat Fluffy Beds, and also a cushion for the chair, and whatever else pops up.
I got some fabric in the mail today:
This has quite a bit more yellow than I was expecting, but it's still very nice.
And this also arrived:
Which I love, and which I think will become the slipper chair cover, and this:
Which I think will be the tub chair, depending, of course, on the teacher's advice.
My lovely neighbour Lyn popped in to ask questions about how to renovate her op-shop frock for a Royal wedding party (what? who?). She was very impressed with the chair and suggested I try hawking it round the children's wear shops on the peninsular, especially to those shops where parents with more money than sense shop - which I think is a great idea (the chair, not the parents)... I might see if I can upholster another one in the spare time I have at Upholstery School...
And that, Gentle Readers, is it for me, as I have to shower, dress, wash up, pack, chivvy Mr Golightly into action (although he has already mowed the back lawn, showered, dressed, packed and is now eating. It's only 11.53am - he must be on holidays!)
Ciao (and have a fabulous Eostre, all of you!).