Gone, all gone to the Post Office, and off to Taiwan, thank the Absent Ghods. They did look nice, all bundled up in their bags, and although I spilt a bit of lavender on the lounge last night whilst stuffing, it will vacuum up nicely, I'm sure. If I could remember where the vacuum cleaner was.
And so, there's all 60 of them, plus two spares. I must say by the time I got through stuffing and stitching last night I was very glad to be finished, and I did make an impromptu sale at the Post Office this morning, very amusingly, to one of the Post Office staff who thought she could get a bag of ten for $7.00... anyway, I corrected that misapprehension pretty quickly, and she still wanted to buy some...
It's been frelling cold today, only about 16C, and I feel like we've really hit winter. I like winter, I get to wear all my favourite clothes at once. Beautiful red leather gloves from here are keeping my hands warm, and I've got my best Bonds singlet on... tomorrow I have to go back out to the AEON* to do performance reviews for the six lucky souls who reported to me in my old job, and now I'm watching Stephen Fry and his gaggle of babblers discussing mad cows. They should talk.
Bed, now. Flannelette jammies. Woo!