Don't ask why I've given this post that title, I have no idea myself. Maybe because it's pi**ing down outside, freezing cold and was pitch dark at 5.00pm. This, Gentle Readers, is unusual for us. Our winters are often balmy, dry, modest affairs, devoid of rain or wind. Not this year. We seem to have had more than our fair share of rain (note previous pics), interesting wind-type events, catastropic (sic) happenings (not to us, thank the goddess) all round. I personally blame the Transit of Venus. Interestingly, when I tried to type that just now, it came out as "the transit of venue". Yeah, that too.
The last time we had the Transit of Venue (sic) was in 1769, when James Cook travelled to the southern hemisphere and "discovered" Australia. That's what I was taught, as a young whipper-snipper (sic) in my first heady encounter with Australian history at my first Australian school. Hmm.
I also had the windows cleaned today, so of course it rained. The nice man comes by whenever you need him, by arrangement. He cleans the screens, all the inside glass, up inside the skylights, the mirrors, and all the windows. Well worth the money, I think. I hate cleaning ... windows.
In other news, we had a lovely weekend in the Hunter, spending a pair of days doing absolutely nothing. There was some fabulous wildlife:
Some fantastic winter colour:
A smidgen of cloud:
And some fantastic iceberg roses:
Not to mention prawn and fresh asparagus pasta for Friday night dinner, delicious home made pizzas for Saturday night dinner, Farmers breakfast on Sunday morning, freshly made scones for morning tea, home made chicken and corn soup, and finally, spring rolls, all made from scratch by the chef of the house. Isn't it strange how the rain brings out the creative thingy in some chefs, and the urge to eat it all, in some guests???
Now, back to the fridge!