So, just before we went to Perth for a power-free weekend, I may have previously mentioned that we went to the Hunter - and I took the best ever photo of Zozie Pozie - also known as Pozella - what a cutie...
I also took some pics when I was in Perth:
There has been so much rain at my lovely Ma's - the first time we've ever been there & seen heavy rain and wind - not quite a storm, but certainly grey and miserable - and then the next day, the sun came out, and the warmth made some of the trees steam - the rays of the sun coming through the trees was absolutely beautiful...
Here's Mr Golightly doing what he does best - keep the dogs in order:
And making Generalissimo Gus behave, in anticipation of a piece of that chocolate brownie he has in his hands...
And here's Jarrah sticking her nose into my camera, thinking that I might be offering up chocolate brownie:
And here's lovely Hank, lugging more wood into the house - ably watched by Mr G.
I've never gone without power for more than a few hours before, so having 24 hours with no power made me realise how lucky we are now... imagine what it would have been like, even in the early 20th century, with no source of light except an oil lamp (smelly) or gas lamp to work by - no sewing machine, no computer, no fridge, no oven, no frozen food... oh my. At least we had the fire, thanks to Hank's hard slog...
And now, three episodes of Star Trek Next Gen later, I need to go to bed. It's late, and I have to pretend to be excited about going to work tomorrow... Ciao!