In other news, my lovely MIL tripped & fell off her platform stilettos*, spent 2 days in hospital, acquired some cracker bruises to go with the broken nose, fractured wrist, and dislocated & damaged thumb.
A good friend's mother died, and lastly, a piece of good news, my lovely friend Clare Carter, of Lulu Carter fame, had her baby! Yay Clare & Ashley!
In amongst all this, I did not go to Upholstery School, despite being off on Tuesday. Nor did I go tonight, which I probably should have done, because I didn't go last week (Mr G & I both having the day at home to keep an eye on his poor battered mother, and although Mr Golightly was going to have dinner with his lovely Ma, and I could have gone to upholstery school tonight, I wanted some time in the house with no noise.
I'm sure I've alluded to this before. Mr G likes TV. He likes movies, wrestling, the cricket, game shows, the news. He would watch paint dry if it was on TV. I, myself, am not so keen. I lived by myself for a number of years with no TV and never missed it. I may have spent a little time talking to myself, but generally, I like the sound you get between your ears when there's nobody in the house but you. Especially on a night like tonight, when it's raining, and you can hear the drops hitting the roof. At least, I hope that's what it is.
Anyway, tonight I did a bit of work on the Christmas Gifts I'm making for people in my team who have young children - I think there's about seven or eight of them (kids, not team members), and I've started making a bunch of these:
Some Gentle Readers who have been curious enough may have seen previous iterations of the pooch, including this one:
which I made for Nephew E's friend Lachie, and this one:
Which I made for MGF Kaz's niece Sharlene, and finally, Elliot:
So cute.
Anyway, it's 10.32pm now, and even though I haven't imparted much by way of news and information (apart from the "Battle Murder and Sudden Death" at the top of this little missive, I feel my eyelids starting to droop, and I must away, away to my bed. Besides that, there's a huge spider on the wall behind me, and although I'm not scared, per se, of spiders, I don't always want to share the room with one. Especially when they go like the clappers and can run up your arm & up your nose before you can say "what spider?"...
*Actually, they were more like this: