They have now blocked access to blogs, particularly those which are hosted by Typepad, Blogspot, Blogger, LiveJournal or MySpace. OK, so I understand about the social networking sites, I really do. But the blogs? What possible harm can there be from reading about Felicity & her ongoing adventure in the Kimberley? What damage can Sharon Lee & Steve Miller possibly do to a huge filthy rich multi-national August Institution? I'm cross, gentle readers, very cross.
Of course, my cross-ness may have something to do with the 51 hours I worked there last week, but then again, perhaps not. I might just be a cross person who's found something new to whinge about, but I don't think so. I like to think I'm generally upbeat & cheerful, but I'll admit to being quite vocal if I'm unhappy about something. I am not like a lot of Aussies who will suffer stoically, internalising all rage and taking it all out on the cat/dog/child/spouse/ colleagues/opposition leader/football referees. Really. No, really.
Anyway, on a happier note, these were waiting for me when I got home - I love to come home to a parcel of fabric on the doorstep!
And the second best thing about buying from Japan? 6 days turnaround. Fabulous! When I've made something gorgeous with this, I'll post some pictures. Honest.
And now, gentle reader, I am going off to the Small But Perfectly Formed room to finish the pouches for my WMIL*.
And I have news, exciting news, but I can't tell you yet. Although, given that where I work has blocked access to blogs, maybe I can**!
*Wonderful Mother-In-Law
**I'm moving to work in the City! Shhhh!